Trees for Streets

Elegant solutions that make tree sponsorship easy

We work with charitable scheme Trees for Streets to deliver their national tree sponsorship platform. The online service gives people around the country the chance to sponsor new tree planting on their streets and in their local area.

WordPress website

Our first task was to design and build a clean and clear WordPress website for the project that introduced how the sponsorship scheme works and gave Trees for Streets a place to publish their engaging blog content on the many benefits of street tree planting.


Trees for Streets WordPress homepage


Trees for Streets How It Works page

Sponsorship platform

We worked with the Trees for Streets team to devise a platform where local residents would be able to submit their tree planting requests. We designed and developed intuitive web journeys that make it easy to choose a spot for your tree, add a dedication, choose a tree species and make a simple online payment to confirm.

Since its launch, the platform has processed hundreds of requests and is directly contributing to greener urban streets across the country.


Sponsor a tree page
Bristol Council page

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